Tuesday, February 24, 2009

25 - Too Early for a Mid-Life Crisis???

I think I must have a familiar face. People are always coming up to me saying I look like their cousin… or daughter… or best friend. Often, I even have people mistake me for others and actually call me the wrong name.

But usually, people mistake me for other girls my age.

In Baton Rouge, Louisiana this past weekend, I had an incredible time with Lisa, Hannah, and the other women of Healing Place Church! It was one of those trips where I came back truly refreshed and excited about all God is doing all around the world! When we landed on Friday, the sweet women who picked us up drove us to Whole Foods Market, our favorite ‘quick lunch’ place – where we ate yummy gelato and salad (obviously gelato from Whole Foods is healthy… right???). While perusing the rice bowls, a woman behind the counter came up to me and said, in broken English, ‘do you live in New York?’

Here we go again.

I smiled and said no, hoping that would be the end of the conversation. She conversed quietly with her friend in Chinese for a moment and then came back to me saying ‘you the girl from Taken!’ I turned to Lisa and said ‘oh… she thinks I’m the girl from Taken… namely Shannon from LOST.’ However, then she corrected me… ‘NO! Not girl from Taken… MOM from Taken.’

Yes, that’s right. She didn’t think I was the daughter, she thought I was the mom.

In her defense, Famke Janssen had been in that particular store the day before, visiting Baton Rouge for some Southern hospitality. However, for the first time I started feeling…. Old! Have I crossed the proverbial threshold from childhood to womanhood? Are there invisible gray hairs or wrinkles obvious to others, yet oblivious when I look in the mirror?

Forgive my girlish rantings, but this has followed me the past few days and I really do need to share my burden with the blogging world before me. Now Tuesday, I found myself looking up her ACTUAL age online. I quietly gasped as I read she is… 43. That’s right, almost 20 years my superior.

Before I go out and do something drastic – such as Botox – I’m going to take a deep breath and remember… she IS a celebrity after all. She played in X-Men so she must be viewed as powerful and attractive… and I need to stop taking to heart what I hear Whole Foods Rice Bar women saying about me. I’m only 25 and am not yet ready for a mid-life crisis.

And with age comes wisdom… and I am SO ready to be wise!


SarahTiramisu said...

You DO, however, resemble a MUCH younger, vivacious bright-eyed version of her though! and hey, I'm 21 and my friends and I found a wrinkle on the.my.FACE already! at least its a smile wrinkle. Are we allowed wisdom AND botox?

Renee said...

Is it bad that I can't stop laughing at this blog? My reasons are two-fold. To start, poeple think that I look like YOU! And also, I think you're FAR prettier than Famke Janssen. I spent most of my time during all three X-Men wanting to flick her in the forehead.

So take that whole-foods-lady.

Carly Barron said...

LOL... hilarious! Mid-twenties crisis? 26 is over the twenties hill... it is all good though. 50 is the new 30 so we are like kids still!

And, seriously how do people mistake you for anyone? You are like 10-ft tall!

I love you bunches!

JHalmes said...

Don't feel bad! People tell me that I look and act like Bree on Desperate Housewives, a show I have never even watched.

P.S I am still in my Fight Like a Girl study and the ladies are all interested in a bracelet.
Also, I am going to try and facilitate the same study at our church this summer and need some additional information on books, DVDs, etc.
Thanks again!

SarahTiramisu said...

I request a blog segment about your Colour/Aussie experience... Possibly? twitter updates were appetizers!

Anonymous said...

You are my only friend who's been confused for an X-Men character....that's awesome!

That's it...we need to send you an action figure for Christmas.