Monday, July 13, 2009

The Simplicity of Life

So I'm taking a break from the 'nanny' portion of my blog to share a eureka I recently had. However, before I explain my amazing revelation, I must share this picture of a princess I have the privilege of hanging with every day. This is what happens when you give 3 year olds too much cake:

Anyway, I went camping this past weekend with my brother and friends and had an amazing realization: camping makes people happier. Now, I realize I live in Idaho. And in Idaho, it's not weird for people to come up in the grocery line and ask you why you're buying barbecue sauce and suddenly invite themselves to your party. I wish I was exaggerating.

It didn't matter what we were doing, hiking, biking, swimming... everyone was helpful and excited to talk to us!

I guess there's something to be said about the simplicity of life. When you take away the 'toys' (which seem SO NEEDED)... what is left is rest, peace, and relaxation. Sure, sleeping in a tent is not the warmest nor the most comfortable, but when your biggest stress in life is whether or not your marshmallow is going to be 'perfectly bronzed' then the other things just seem to melt in the wind. Take a look at your life and ask yourself.. is all this stuff really bringing more to my life or really taking it away?

Our amazing campsite!

So maybe Emma had more stress than simply roasting the perfect mallow.... ;)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Fourth of July!

Growing up in a family where we make huge deals out of every holiday, I always get fluttery and excited the week before each occasion. This year's Fourth of July is no exception! So, intent on making my two small subjects as patriotic as possible, this week has been filled with red, white and blue!

I know we're merely a day away from the big day, but if any of you are lacking for creative ideas until then, here are a few!

*Flag Nails:
We painted our nails like flags... and they thought it was really cool we all matched!

*Flag vests:
I got this idea off my fellow-nanny, Monique, who saw it in a Martha Stewart article. Simply start with a paper bag, turn it upside down and paint a picture of a flag on the front. After you have helped them paint the flag, have them decorate the front and back with all sorts of things, stickers, markers, paint... whatever they choose! At the end, cut off the handles, cut a hole for their head and both arms, then a slit down the front to make a vest! It's a great, creative idea to get them in the patriotic spirit! (and they will look super cute!)

*Flag treats
This is both fun and yummy! We made cupcakes then decorated them with red, white, and blue... then stuck little toothpick flags in each one! It was super messy but so much fun! Also, we made a strawberry pie... put cool whip on the top then made a 'flag' with strawberries and blueberries. The girls loved the little flags so much they stuck them all over this as well! :)

Hope you have fun with these ideas... and happy Fourth!!!!!!!! God bless the USA!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Nanny!

ok blogging world, I have become a nanny. Yes, that's right, one of those wonderful people who have the privilege of navigating children who are not your own... for an entire summer. Going into it, I had the goal of being the BEST NANNY EVER to my two young subjects, Madison and Emily. They are the most GORGEOUS girls in the WORLD!

Anyway, intent on the goal to make every day like Christmas... or the house the 'happiest place on earth' or some similar thing, I have been wracking my brain for ideas. Thankfully, I'm in a community where several other friends are nannies as well, which helps for trading ideas and of course funny stories.

So this summer I will dedicate a large portion of my blog for such things, in hopes that I will bring some relief and creative ideas to my nanny friends (and stay-at-home moms!), far and wide. I haven't had to deal with the pranks SOME children try to pull (my girls really are angels!) but here's some ideas we have tried thus far!

*Beauty Pageant - I know some of you might have male subjects, but if not, 7 year old Madison and 3 year old Emily LOVED this! I simply chose outfits they already had for all the categories (opening number, talent, swimsuit, evening gown), used a kareoke machine for the microphone, taught them choreography for the opening, and had them each prepare a talent! Also, I did makeup and hair in between each category. They went crazy over wearing mascara for the first time!!! (don't worry, I scrubbed it off before dad got home!). It took up almost an entire day (with a trip to the park and lunch in between). It was great!

*Bikerides- now my girls love to be active and outside, but they can get pretty tired really fast. So, I strapped a bike trolly to the back of my bike and went on a 10 mile bikeride! I kept them entertained by throwing books their way, and by swerving all over the street which sent them into giggles. We had a break in the middle by going to a playground. They loved it!

*Pool/picnics - this is a must for summer activities. Getting outside in the sun is therapeutic for nanny and kids alike, not to mention you get a really great tan! And what is it about the swings that NEVER gets old???

*Slushie runs - I LOVE slushies in summer, and what better reason do you have to get out of the house than to run to your local slushie shack and beat the summer heat? It doesn't cost much, and it's an adventure the kids will appreciate.

*Yesterday we did an activity inspired by my fellow nanny, Emma! We went on a hunt in the morning to find large, flat rocks. After our walk, we used crayons to color on the stones (bright colors are best) then I baked them in the oven at 350 for about 5 minutes, and the wax baked into the stones! You can also bake them in the sun - but it takes much longer and it has to be a really hot day! They made stones for the dog (which we placed by his water bowl), mom, dad, rabbits... and everyone else they could think of! They loved it!

I'll keep posting my ideas, fee free to share any additional ones you may have. May Summer '09 be your best yet!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

25 - Too Early for a Mid-Life Crisis???

I think I must have a familiar face. People are always coming up to me saying I look like their cousin… or daughter… or best friend. Often, I even have people mistake me for others and actually call me the wrong name.

But usually, people mistake me for other girls my age.

In Baton Rouge, Louisiana this past weekend, I had an incredible time with Lisa, Hannah, and the other women of Healing Place Church! It was one of those trips where I came back truly refreshed and excited about all God is doing all around the world! When we landed on Friday, the sweet women who picked us up drove us to Whole Foods Market, our favorite ‘quick lunch’ place – where we ate yummy gelato and salad (obviously gelato from Whole Foods is healthy… right???). While perusing the rice bowls, a woman behind the counter came up to me and said, in broken English, ‘do you live in New York?’

Here we go again.

I smiled and said no, hoping that would be the end of the conversation. She conversed quietly with her friend in Chinese for a moment and then came back to me saying ‘you the girl from Taken!’ I turned to Lisa and said ‘oh… she thinks I’m the girl from Taken… namely Shannon from LOST.’ However, then she corrected me… ‘NO! Not girl from Taken… MOM from Taken.’

Yes, that’s right. She didn’t think I was the daughter, she thought I was the mom.

In her defense, Famke Janssen had been in that particular store the day before, visiting Baton Rouge for some Southern hospitality. However, for the first time I started feeling…. Old! Have I crossed the proverbial threshold from childhood to womanhood? Are there invisible gray hairs or wrinkles obvious to others, yet oblivious when I look in the mirror?

Forgive my girlish rantings, but this has followed me the past few days and I really do need to share my burden with the blogging world before me. Now Tuesday, I found myself looking up her ACTUAL age online. I quietly gasped as I read she is… 43. That’s right, almost 20 years my superior.

Before I go out and do something drastic – such as Botox – I’m going to take a deep breath and remember… she IS a celebrity after all. She played in X-Men so she must be viewed as powerful and attractive… and I need to stop taking to heart what I hear Whole Foods Rice Bar women saying about me. I’m only 25 and am not yet ready for a mid-life crisis.

And with age comes wisdom… and I am SO ready to be wise!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day... Not for the single?

I remember when I was about 8. I was obsessed with the idea of my dad sending me flowers on Valentines Day. But they couldn't be just ANY flowers. They had to be the kind of flowers with baby's breath. Yes, baby's breath. When I get something in my mind, I won't STOP until I see it actualized.

My dad has always been so good to me. His unconditional love has showed me that I don't NEED the affection of a guy to be happy. His love has made me content with being single and being faithful to who God has called me to be, whether single or otherwise (oh, and he did, of course, send me those flowers on vday... I got them in the middle of class and felt like a QUEEN!).

Valentines Day is one of my favorite days of the year. With the sudden declaration of that fact, most single girls look at me like I have just grown a second head and mumble something about it being singles awareness day. Isn't Valentines Day a day to celebrate romance? What if you don't HAVE someone to romance? Then deduction would conclude.. it is merely a day to remember that fact!

However, today, February 14 of 2009, I want to blow this theory out of the water. Valentines Day is a day to celebrate LOVE. My mom always made this day so special growing up, with a candlelight dinner during the evening, complete with gifts for everyone, and a nice meal and lots of chocolate! It was a reminder that we were loved.

THAT, my blogging friends, is what Valentines Day is about, just a reminder that you are loved. So be thankful today, hug someone you love, eat lots of chocolate, and revel in the fact that above all, GOD is LOVE. He will love us unconditionally, no matter who may or may not love us on this earth!

Ok, I'm going to make a big brunch with all the girls. Happy Valentines Day! *muah!*

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Finding Life in the DMV!

I hate the DMV. When I say 'hate'... I mean HATE. I heard a statistic the other day which made me squirm in my seat: the average American spends 29 hours in front of the TV PER WEEK! PEOPLE! I am completely outraged. Although I don't spend NEAR that amount in front of this life-sucker, it still makes me want to throw mine out the window.

Sometimes I feel that way about the hours I've had to spend in the DMV.

Also, since I'm on this subject, why is it that EVERY TIME... no matter HOW much of an expert you are at what they do and do not need in order for them to process your request, do you ALWAYS have to come back? Hence the next several hours of my life recorded as sitting yet again in the Department of Motor Vehicles. Not exactly the way I am hoping to go down in history.

Maybe it was God's way of rewarding me for being a good citizen and registering my car in the State of Colorado. Or maybe it was His way of making the point that He can speak to us anywhere, or maybe it was a good combination of the two. Whatever the case may be, I was sitting there, reading my pocket-sized Bible I carry in my purse, when this scripture almost jumped off the page:

"There's far more to this life than trusting in Christ. There's also suffering for him. And the suffering is as much a gift as the trusting." --Phil 1:28 (Message)

I was sitting there in a nice warm room, 'suffering' in my padded chair, waiting for my number to be called. And there was Paul, in jail, telling the church in Phillipi that suffering for Christ was a GIFT.

Trusting completely in God is such a beautiful thing. Giving Him my everything, even in moments which are painful and times when I just don't understand. But suffering? Didn't Jesus already do that on the cross so we don't have to suffer?

I fear in our culture, where 'happiness' is equated with 'easiness', we have lost the true art of sacrifice. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew that if they were to come after Him, they were to deny themselves, take up their crosses and follow after Him. He fulfilled His calling in life by dying and paving the way to God. Now it is our turn to sacrifice our lives daily, and follow after Him.

I strongly believe that the term 'martyr' is not merely reserved for those who are beheaded or lose their physical life for the cause of Christ. Sometimes I think the harder life is to be faithful, to be obedient. To be steadily following God, no matter how rough or windy the road may be.

What a liberating concept. Merely the fact I can CHOOSE every day to do what He has called me to, not because of some obligation, but because it is a gift. It is because I am in love with Him. It is because I want to become just like Jesus. And as I remain faithful, an inexpressible joy fills me, for as I lose my life, THAT is when it is truly found.

Friday, January 23, 2009


My beautiful friend Tash tagged me with this... so here we go!

Explanation - Post the fourth picture on the fourth folder of your pictures and explain! oh yeah, and tag 4 more people.

I love my friends... sometimes I take a breath, step back, and look at my life, overwhelmed. After going to school together, the 5 of us remained a close knit group of friends. Upon graduating, each of them moved to a different state, but me... who began working at Messenger International as Lisa Bevere's assistant.

One by one, God has moved each of them BACK to Colorado Springs, and we not only live in the same city, we WORK together. We are so passionate about ministry, and about advancing the Kingdom of God, and we do this... as a team, with one purpose.

In 2008, most of us turned the monumental 25! Four of us have summer birthdays, so we celebrated as long and hard as possible. This picture is at Ashley's party. After a weekend camping in the mountains, we decided to bring out her fun/sassy side by throwing her a Fiesta... followed by Salsa Dancing in downtown Denver.

We LOVE to enjoy life to the fullest! I love my friends... both here, and the ones away. You each add something so unique and special to my life.

Ok.. this blog is done. I will now tag Katie, Jonathan, Laura, and Leann! Do it guys!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mourning Christmas

People mourn changing of seasons all the time. When a son or daughter leaves for college, much sadness is spent because of their departure. I know more than one tear has been shed the first day of school, marking the end of Summer and the beginning of yet another year of education.

These are many of the reasons which I feel rationalized in the current mourning I am undertaking for the end of yet another Holiday season. I had an amazing Christmas this year, and as you can see from previous posts, I am somewhat of a fanatic! However, why is it that every day in January feels like a Monday, slowly strolling through the bitter cold of each day? And that brings me to another point: why is it that snow during the Holidays feels so.... MAGICAL.... but when January hits, it's a bitter blast of ice cutting to your core?

Call me cynical, but I'm just not a fan. Going through the Charlotte airport yesterdat, I almost tackled the salesman who was blasting 'It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year' from his stereo speakers and scream 'It's NOT the most wonderful time of the year!!!!!!!!! It's JANUARY!!!!!!!!!!!' and let me tell you what... I did share a few of my thoughts with those around me, as the disdain was somewhat overwhelming.

I just can't help but wonder, perhaps after the fun of the Holidays, January is a month to test our contentment, whatever the circumstances. Paul found this secret, and perhaps this month I will discover it as well!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Look at my view every single day! I mean, I freeze most of the time... but look how beautiful this is. Makes me feel like I live in a picture.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Time to Get the Coffee

‘Everybody has a day when they have to get the coffee. Today’s your day.”

The line from a movie I recently watched on the airplane is still running through my head. In the plot, this young man is working for a political group, and moves to Washington DC to begin his ‘glamorous job.’ He begins his first meeting with his boss by submitting some ideas he has for the group, and after laughing, his superior gives him his first task: to run out and get coffee for everyone. As I sat there, trying to pass the time on my flight from Washington DC to Denver, I stopped as I heard those words. There have been many ‘coffee fetching’ moments in my life. Times when I was the one running around, trying to get the little administrative details finished, times when I truly lived the meaning of laying my life down in service to others.

However, as I ponder this more, and look back on my many times of ‘getting coffee’ (literal and otherwise) I think about the motives behind the actions. In the instance of this young man, he clearly did not fulfill the wishes of his superior because he had a heart to serve him. On the contrary, it was very obvious he didn’t like the task he was given one bit! The reason this young man put up with the ‘coffee fetching days’ is because he saw greater days on the horizon. He was climbing a ladder of success, and this was but one rung he must pass to reach the top.

“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.” – Mark 8:34-35 (NIV)

The Message Bible sums it up this way:
"Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul for? “

I remember laying in bed at night as a little girl, dreaming of who I would become. During the Winter Olympic games, it was always a professional ice skater. After attending a fun summer camp, it was always one of the members of the cafeteria staff. Sometimes, it was even a teacher, after I had been profoundly impacted by one.

As I got older, I began to start catching the heart of God and passion for what HE had called me to do. I began to pursue those things, and in my mind, had mapped out how my life would go. When high school graduation day came, I had a rude awakening, for the path I had envisioned did not exactly go as planned. Instead of a life full of fame and glamour, His voice was urging me towards one of training and service.

I am now 25, and can confidently say the greatest honor I have ever had is the honor of coming alongside someone, and truly serving them. To lay down your life may seem mundane, difficult, and uncomfortable (and it is all of these at times!) however, the reward far outweighs the cost.

So what is the motive of service to us as as young men and women who want to change the world? Is it to climb another rung on the proverbial ladder? Is it to puff ourselves up so the world can reward our service? Absolutely not. I know we all have a passion to change the world. Great! Instead of striving to be in the limelight, find someone you can serve. From the oldest to the youngest, EVERYONE has someone they can lay their life down for.

I encourage you today to take some time. Think about your life. Who has God called you to serve? What are you doing to make your mark on your world? The greatest tasks in life are the ones unseen – do not despise what God is calling you, no matter how big or how small.