ok blogging world, I have become a nanny. Yes, that's right, one of those wonderful people who have the privilege of navigating children who are not your own... for an entire summer. Going into it, I had the goal of being the BEST NANNY EVER to my two young subjects, Madison and Emily. They are the most GORGEOUS girls in the WORLD!

Anyway, intent on the goal to make every day like Christmas... or the house the 'happiest place on earth' or some similar thing, I have been wracking my brain for ideas. Thankfully, I'm in a community where several other friends are nannies as well, which helps for trading ideas and of course funny stories.
So this summer I will dedicate a large portion of my blog for such things, in hopes that I will bring some relief and creative ideas to my nanny friends (and stay-at-home moms!), far and wide. I haven't had to deal with the pranks SOME children try to pull (my girls really are angels!) but here's some ideas we have tried thus far!
*Beauty Pageant - I know some of you might have male subjects, but if not, 7 year old Madison and 3 year old Emily LOVED this! I simply chose outfits they already had for all the categories (opening number, talent, swimsuit, evening gown), used a kareoke machine for the microphone, taught them choreography for the opening, and had them each prepare a talent! Also, I did makeup and hair in between each category. They went crazy over wearing mascara for the first time!!! (don't worry, I scrubbed it off before dad got home!). It took up almost an entire day (with a trip to the park and lunch in between). It was great!
*Bikerides- now my girls love to be active and outside, but they can get pretty tired really fast. So, I strapped a bike trolly to the back of my bike and went on a 10 mile bikeride! I kept them entertained by throwing books their way, and by swerving all over the street which sent them into giggles. We had a break in the middle by going to a playground. They loved it!
*Pool/picnics - this is a must for summer activities. Getting outside in the sun is therapeutic for nanny and kids alike, not to mention you get a really great tan! And what is it about the swings that NEVER gets old???

*Slushie runs - I LOVE slushies in summer, and what better reason do you have to get out of the house than to run to your local slushie shack and beat the summer heat? It doesn't cost much, and it's an adventure the kids will appreciate.
*Yesterday we did an activity inspired by my fellow nanny, Emma! We went on a hunt in the morning to find large, flat rocks. After our walk, we used crayons to color on the stones (bright colors are best) then I baked them in the oven at 350 for about 5 minutes, and the wax baked into the stones! You can also bake them in the sun - but it takes much longer and it has to be a really hot day! They made stones for the dog (which we placed by his water bowl), mom, dad, rabbits... and everyone else they could think of! They loved it!

I'll keep posting my ideas, fee free to share any additional ones you may have. May Summer '09 be your best yet!