Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Art of a Letter...

My grandmother is a letter QUEEN. Even at almost 89, she still sits and writes letters to family and friends almost every day! You know the kind: envelope, stamp... handwriting.

I fear this is a lost art in my generation.

Don't get me wrong. Some days, I check my Email before my feet hit the floor. My text message notification sound makes me SO happy... and I rush to grab my phone to see what the digital message may say. I use the internet to share pictures, stories, even videos at the click of a button. But sometimes I wonder if all this GREAT stuff is replacing something truly personal and wonderful.

There's nothing like going to the mailbox, sifting through the advertisements and bills, to see your name written in REAL handwriting in a card-sized envelope. It's almost like holding a piece of the sender... for they took time, sat down, and wrote their thoughts and feelings, all the while with your face in mind.

I have done my best to keep up with the writings of my grandmother. I try and reply to all her questions in similar manner. However, as the busyness of life takes over, I find myself sitting down and starting the letter with 'Dear Grandma K, thank you for your letter. However, I was just wondering... WHY DON'T YOU HAVE EMAIL AGAIN??'

Then I stop, ponder the simple life she lives, and wonder if all my technology is really 'better' after all. It certainly is FASTER, but should we sacrifice the art of personalization for speed? I want to make it my goal to be intentional about connecting with people in more personal ways. At the end of the day, relationships are what we all treasure most.

I think I'm going to dust off my stationary, sit down, and write Grandma K a letter. Perhaps in a week or so, I just may find a reply hidden in my mailbox.

Monday, October 6, 2008

NOT 'Just Another Conference'

One of the most intense weekends of my life just passed. Being the second time at the Joyce Meyer Women’s Conference, I should have been prepared for a few days of intense worship, amazing teaching, early mornings, late nights, crazy booktable… but as much as I MENTALLY prepare for something, my body just doesn’t adjust sometimes.

On Saturday morning, however, my heart was enlarged, and my life was changed. Watching Lisa get up and speak to 17,000 women (in the Rams football stadium!), observing the look in their eyes, watched their faces show the heart change they were experiencing… I suddenly remembered why I do what I do. So often, I take for granted the amazing opportunity and privilege I have to serve such an amazing ministry. Watching the tear-stained faces of all those women, gathered together, did something miraculous in MY heart. I felt it enlarge. I no longer am content living life as I have. I want to do more – be more efficient. Be more effective. Live and love more than I am even now or thought possible.

God is so amazing – even when we least expect it, He will come and change our outlook on life in an instant. He can do more in a split second than we can do in years and years on our own. So thank you – to everyone who lays down their life every day for Him. You don’t have to be in full time ministry… you can be a stay at home mom. Or a businessman. Or someone in the secular workplace. But today my prayer for you is your heart would also be enlarged for the people in YOUR sphere of influence.

In closing, here are some of the pic highlights from the weekend:



Phil Wickam! His table was right across from us:

This is what lack of sleep will do to ya...

Darlene Zschech's worship is nothing that can be put into words.

Lisa speaking... I can't tell you how powerful this moment was.