Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Miracle of Christmas... true Scrooge Conversions

Life just doesn't get any better than this. I'm sitting here, watching Elf, the snow is blowing in like mad outside, the Christmas tree is lit, the coffee is warm, my family and friends are close by, and the big breakfast dad is slaving over is wafting from the kitchen. But I have enough blogs about my passion for all things Christmasey. No, the point of this post is not to highlight me and Christmas's love affair.

This is to honor a friend of mine - a 'converted Scrooge' of sorts - who is trying desperately to neglect her former ways and embrace the spirit of the season.

The first thing I noticed was the Christmas ornaments decorating her blog. Then, as she catapulted herself at me this morning, my eyes caught her Christmas sweater. Yes, Christmas. There was the seat by the fire she chose, which also happened to be almost hugging the Christmas tree.

I am now convinced, even the biggest Christmas scrooge can have a true conversion. You just have to add enough snow, Christmas cheer, and singing loud for all to hear. Kaatje... my hat goes off to you (even though it IS the coolest pinkest snow hat in all the world).

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